Hello all,
I'm interested in trying out FreePascal, so for the last few days (not a good sign) I have been trying to install the thing, and it straight up doesn't work. Attempting to install FPC and Lazarus "stable" on Ubuntu 22.04 with FPCUPdeluxe (v2.4.0d build 492) does a bunch of stuff then hangs indefinitely (and, yes, I mean indefinitely, unless there is some planet where compiling should take more than 12 hours) on the following line:
`./fpmake compile --threads=16 --localunitdir=.. --os=linux --cpu=x86_64 -o -Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o -Cg -o -Sg -o -vw-n-h-l-d-u-t-p-c- -o -dx86_64 -o -dRELEASE --compiler=/home/user/Applications/FPCUPdeluxe/stable/fpcsrc/compiler/ppcx64 -bu -o -XX -o -CX`
Now, to my eye, the `ppcx64` at the end of the path there stands out as being blatantly wrong, but what do I know about build systems? Next to nothing, and I'd ideally like for it to remain that way.
Is this really the recommended way of installing FPC/Lazarus? What have I done wrong?
Thank you kindly in advance.