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[Solved] How to install "Generics Collections" in Lazarus 3.2 ?

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I found the source at:
but there is no "lpk" file to install the package. I seems to me that it was before included in the general installation of Lazarus.

That branch was integrated into FPC years ago, so it should already be in your lazarus.


--- Quote from: jcmontherock on March 08, 2024, 04:46:00 pm ---I found the source at:
but there is no "lpk" file to install the package. I seems to me that it was before included in the general installation of Lazarus.

--- End quote ---

That looks like a dead repo to me. At least it hasn't been updated in the last 5 years.

Besides, you already have that code in the fpc/3.2.2/source/packages/rtl-generics/src/generics.collections.pas directory. And it has been updated recently.

Edit: @marcov was quicker...

and fcl-generics contains bug fixes. Just do not use that repo unless you are on a very old Lazarus and/or fpc.

I found it in fpc directory. But how do I install it ? It's not by default in version 3.2. It didn't find sparta_generics.


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