Forum > LazReport



Is their a way to ZOOM the report while designing?

The report builder is nothing short of difficult to use to lay out a report as it is, but gets worse with a high res monitor.

I tied various keys and mouse wheel but nothing seems to work, so not sure if it can.

Would be super helpful if it could ;)



I don't think there is.

If you use Windows you can use Magnifier (Windows key + '+').

You can also use keyboard keys to precisely position and size objects (Ctrl + arrow key to change position; Shift + arrow key to change size of object).


--- Quote from: SandyG on March 05, 2024, 08:28:52 pm ---Is their a way to ZOOM the report while designing?

--- End quote ---
There is a 2 * zoom feature. See :
It is a new feature and only in Lazarus trunk.
Hint: you can copy LazReport from trunk to your installed version or then you can use trunk directly. It is very stable right now.


--- Quote from: JuhaManninen on March 06, 2024, 10:23:53 am ---
--- Quote from: SandyG on March 05, 2024, 08:28:52 pm ---Is their a way to ZOOM the report while designing?

--- End quote ---
There is a 2 * zoom feature. See :
It is a new feature and only in Lazarus trunk.
Hint: you can copy LazReport from trunk to your installed version or then you can use trunk directly. It is very stable right now.

--- End quote ---

Very interesting, I must try it. :)

P.S.: It is working nice.

Will take a look at the 2x feature, will help a lot if it works.



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