So, basically I would like to have a "clean" installation of 3.3.1 (or a recipe for it).
Assuming you wish to create the 64-bit compiler for your windows machine:
- download and install the fpc 3.2.2 distribution compiler (does not matter if it 32- or 64-bit)
- download the trunk sources from github/gitlab and extract them
- use make in the root of your extracted source-code archive to build the compiler, use the buildfaq mentioned earlier to get acquainted with the build options. In case you use the 32-bit compiler as bootstrap compile then you need to cross-compile and in case using the 64-bit compiler you are building a native compiler.
- install and configure the compiler to a suitable location (copying files will do but you can use the make install option
That should be about it. Also note all the wiki articles about building a compiler from source (there are literally too many to mention)
this link is a good starting point.
Whenever there is something missing, make will tell you what is missing and in case of an error will tell you what the error is. Just post the (last part of the) output in such case (along with the build parameters). Again, be sure to read/understand the buildfaq