I would form a DLL by using the follpwing command:
C:\lazarus\x86_64\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe -Twin64 -Mdelphi -dwindows -dwin64 -v0 -dwindll -O2 -Os -vl -Anasmwin64 -al -Fu..\units\fpc-rtl -Fu..\units\fpc-sys -Fu..\units\fpc-win -Fu..\units\fpc-qt -Fu.\units -FE.\units test2.pas
I get the .DLL, but, when I run the host Application, that involve the DLL (member function as external declaration) I get OS Error Message 0xc0007b.
I use the same command, to build an Executable - and there, I don't get OS Error Messages.
Give it special commands für building .DLL ?
I know the difference between "program, library, and unit" in the first Line of Code.