no, for SQLdb. For ZEOS all are Memo
Just did a test with an FTS5-Table
I added the text of the first post of this thread to the FTS5-table.
it's 1558 characters(?) in Length
I added a single line in sqlite3conn in AddFieldDefs-Method
if FT=ftUnknown then
case TStorageType(sqlite3_column_type(st,i)) of
stInteger: FT:=ftLargeInt;
stFloat: FT:=ftFloat;
stBlob: FT:=ftBlob;
stText: FT:=ftMemo; //THIS ONE WAS ADDED
else FT:=ftString;
Using "standard" sqlite3conn with sqldb, i executed a "SELECT * FROM MyFTS5Table" with a TSQLQuery-Object.
It returned the full text.
A writeln(Length(MyQuery.Fields[0].AsString)); returend 1558
and a Writeln(MyQuery.Fields[0].DataType); returns ftMemo