Alt+250 is Unicode character "middle dot"/ can get it by holding the Alt key and pressing 2 5 0 on your numeric keyboard.
It looks the same as your "Dot operator" character (which seems to be char($22C5)).
I can't even copy and paste that character in my code editor of Lazarus (in the source).
Even copying it in Notepad++ (in UTF8 mode) doesn't work.
Does loading it from a file work?
(then it might be a conversion problem from source-code to program-code.)
Edit: O, it just occured to me.... That character might not even be in the Courier New font.
Did you try another font??
Note: TEdit/Windows substitutes fonts automatically when characters are not supported.
In this case Windows substitutes it for "Cambria Math".
Edit #2: Yes... this works fine:
SynEdit1.Font.Name := 'Cambria Math';
Edit1.Text := '2' + #$E2#$8B#$85 + '0,95 = 1,9';
SynEdit1.Text := Edit1.Text;
(although Cambria Math doesn't look good in SynEdit but that's another matter...)