Let say that I have an sqlite3 table
t1 (id integer, name varchar(20), address varchar(50) )
Is there any smart way to know changed records after posting data ?
I mean :
// let record 1 has a values
id = 1,
name = 'toto',
address = '33 av. lebhayer'
I changed the name value to
// let record 1 has a values
id = 1,
name = 'tata',
address = '33 av. lebhayer'
after commuting changes, Is there any way to know that only the name field changed.
For now, I proceed like this.
when creating form, I get the initial value before any changes to variable,
then after omitting changes I compare current values with the first ones I get in the FormCreate.
// get_Initial_values
// POST changes
// get_Current_value >> Diff >> get_Initial_values
Thank you