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Simple Project output - where's da console?
"uses Crt;" => Escape-codes!!!
Sorry mate, no.
On the other hand, I don't think that @Warfley's brilliant library: is quite so strung up on escape codes as the crt-unit. It uses a lot of them, sure, but in more appropriate doses, so to speak :D
It is certainly worth a 'Looksee' 8-)
The Crt-unit switches the console in 'Raw' mode on unit-startup, whereas Warfley's does it on a per function basis...
Regards Benny
Understood. When I run this app on Windows I get a nice clean console window.
I'm wondering if I should instead create this as a simple windowed app with just a scrolling window, to achieve the same effect regardless of OS.
If you just want basic scrolling text, with NO positioning and colors, then just leave the 'Crt' -unit out of your app altogether... No worries :D
Regards Benny
Actually I will be running this on a Raspberry pi so I'll need it to look like a dumb terminal display (the way the console appears on Windows is perfect).
So I'm wondering if there a simple windowed type of Lazarus project that will mimic the windows console (simple ever-scrolling text)?
Try this:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program EatAtJoes; var I: integer; begin for I:= 0 to 4 do Writeln; Writeln(#9,'Eat at Joe''s!'); for I:= 0 to 1 do Writeln; Writeln(#9,'Ten Million Flies Can''t ALL be wrong!'); Readln;end. it should look like the other, but free from escape-codes :D
If you don't _really_ need it, stear clear off "Crt" unit... :P
Regards Benny
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