Finally completed the Sutcliffe Pentagon by TRon.
The Naming "Sutcliffe Pentagons" is a bit deceptive as it produces the fractal for different polygon types.
I put in another image to demonstrate nesting.
Actually TRon put a Paying it Forward messaage in the converted source so I will assume it's OK to share.
So here it is:
What I noticed is:
1. When you change the TSpinedit for number of sides from 7 to 6 it is unresponsive, but going up to 8 sides and then back to 6 brings up the correct image.
2. Increasing the SubStructTarget values bring up exact images from previous values.
3. TRon mentions the root branch as possibly not being necessary but I do not get an image if it is not there.
// render root branch
CreateBranch(0, 0, Points, aNest, aStrutTarget, aSubStrutTarget, aStrutFactor);
// ??? is the following call really necessary ???
// DrawBranch(Points, aNest);
4. I used centerY := (Self.Height - 77) div 2; to center the image. The 77 is the height of Panel1.
(was a bit lost on how to instead use Panel1.height in the other unit and ended up just using the value 77)