Forum > QT
[Solved]Open Project fails miserably in Lazarus 3.0, QT5...KIO
zeljko, YOU ARE THE MAN!!! 8-)
Thank you for the effort, It works like a charm now.
I've just followed your resolution and then recompiled lazarus, everything is "Pico Bello" I then tested it on all the projects I could lay my hand on, forwards and backwards... IT JUST WORKS!
I'm sorry for taking so much of your time, but glad I did ;)
Now Linux, KDE & Lazarus are all 'Happy Campers' :D
edit: I'll mark this solved and, with your permission, copy your answer to the first post in this thread, so that is the first people see, if the search for it...
Regards Benny
Wow! Thanks Zeljko, unchecking "IDE title shows project directory" really helped.
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