OK, this is really annoying.
I have restarted it several times, rebuilt both the gtk2 and Qt5 versions, blown away the Laz config, nothing I can do will bring back the two major problems I saw after the first respective builds (qt5 KIO error, gtk2 AV). There is NO SIGN of those problems any more.
I do note two very annoying problems that definitly relate to Wayland, the mouse cursor is usually the wrong icon for the current task, annoying and sometimes hard to use. And when I start Lazarus, all the windows are in the wrong place, just centered in the screen, maybe relating to the know problem of Wayland not reporting its coordinates properly. In both these cases, switching to X11 solves them. And it feels a bit faster too.
Time permitting, I will go back to a clean install to make sure the 'fix' I see is not due to a gtk2 dependency. But pretty sure its not (but an easy test because of Virtual Box).
Here are some screen dumps, from using a FileOpen Dialog, neither can be repeated. Firstly when running Qt5 -
.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
QWaylandDataOffer: timeout reading from pipe
QWaylandDataOffer: error reading data for mimeType text/plain;charset=utf-8
//--------- repeated about 15 time, Davo
QWaylandDataOffer: error reading data for mimeType text/plain;charset=utf-8
QWaylandDataOffer: timeout reading from pipe
QWaylandDataOffer: error reading data for mimeType text/plain
kf.kio.filewidgets.kfilefiltercombo: Could not find filter "*.lpi|Lazarus project(*.lpi) "
kf.kio.widgets: Cannot read information about filesystem under path "/home/dbannon/.cache/thumbnails/"
VMware: No 3D enabled (0, Success).
libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
kf.kio.widgets: Cannot read information about filesystem under path "/home/dbannon/.cache/thumbnails/"
kf.kio.widgets: Cannot read informati
int: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] PrimaryConfigPath="/home/dbannon/bin/Lazarus/LazConfigs/lazarus_3_0"
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] SecondaryConfigPath="/etc/lazarus"
Looking for code tools config file: "/home/dbannon/bin/Lazarus/LazConfigs/lazarus_3_0/codetoolsoptions.xml"
NOTE: codetools config file not found - using defaults
NOTE: help options config file not found - using defaults
TApplication.HandleException: EAccessViolation
Access violation
Stack trace:
$000000000065AEFA GTK_CLASS_GET_TYPE, line 132 of gtk2proc.inc
$000000000065BA4E GTKWIDGETISA, line 376 of gtk2proc.inc
$0000000000512241 ISWINDOW, line 6571 of gtk2winapi.inc
$000000000056D841 ISWINDOW, line 646 of include/winapi.inc
$000000000048A90E SHOWMODAL, line 3074 of include/customform.inc
$0000000000DC5B0A SHOWPROJECTWIZARDDLG, line 108 of projectwizarddlg.pas
$00000000004C3734 DONOPROJECTWIZARD, line 6444 of main.pp
$00000000004B0464 SETUPSTARTPROJECT, line 2452 of main.pp
$00000000004ACDEF STARTIDE, line 1696 of main.pp
$00000000004217CB main, line 150 of lazarus.pp
FreeFormEditor: FormEditor1=TFormEditor
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] B -> inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] END