Before anything I want to mention that the problem is solved. I wish I could take or give credit for solving it but, it seems to have gone away by itself.
The only thing I can think of that _may_ have made a difference is that I rebooted the host machine (the real hardware machine.) At least in theory, that should not have affected the VM where Lazarus and FPC were being installed but, a problem in the host can affect a guest. Maybe there was some invisible thing causing a problem in the guest.
Is your computer part of a managed Windows domain?
No, my development machine is a standalone VM. The host (hardware machine) is also standalone (just a plain desktop PC.)
Thank you, that could have definitely been a reason for the problem.
Thank you for the offer to help.
Yours was the next thing I was going to try. Fortunately it became unnecessary.
Thank you for the help.
Your Fpcupdeluxe is the cat's meow! Thank you for the help you offered and, of course, the app.