I've added Windows to my uses section as I want to read the registry, but when I compile I get two errors at this line....
...the errors are....
unit1.pas(1379,18) Error: identifier idents no member "Create"
unit1.pas(1379,18) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "identifier CREATE" found
...the uses section for Windows is as follows...
Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
ComCtrls, Buttons, fileutil, Menus, BCButtonFocus, BCButton, BCTrackbarUpdown,
BCComboBox, BCLabel, LCLIntf, GraphUtil, LazFileUtils,
Contnrs, LCLType, BCTypes, process, jwatlhelp32, WinDirs, Windows;
....if I remove the Windows uses there are no errors. I've had no problems with this particular section of the code until I added Windows uses.
I'm totally stumped by it, and I guess using the Windows uses is the only way to read registry keys.