
Author Topic: OnMouseDown event  (Read 14632 times)


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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #75 on: February 10, 2024, 08:43:11 pm »
And if you boot again in normal mode, does it stop working directly now?

If so, you need to open the task manager and try to delete as many processes until it works.
(I think I already mentioned that solution)

It might be better to use sysinternals process explorer for t he at (much better task manager).

If its none of the normal processes, you might want to start eliminating the services.

(BTW. It was still easier to just remove Avast first. It's easy to do and you don't want to go on a search for hours just to find in the end that's the cause. But that's up to you.)


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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2024, 08:58:17 pm »
OK. I just didn't want all wrapped up in reinstalling it. I'll go ahead and do that. I'll also get ProcessExplorer.

How will I restore the system after deleting a bunch of processes? Or is it that they are only being deactivated for this session, and will be reactivated with a reboot?



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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2024, 09:04:18 pm »
How will I restore the system after deleting a bunch of processes? Or is it that they are only being deactivated for this session, and will be reactivated with a reboot?
Deleting processes is just for that session.
If something hangs or otherwise you can just reboot and all is back.
This is only to find the process that's causing issues.
(That's why you need to check in between if it's working again)
You can remove a bunch at the same time to hurry up the process but if it's starts to work you need to go through them one by one afterwards (after a reboot) again.


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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #78 on: February 10, 2024, 09:14:29 pm »
OK. I uninstalled Avast. My app does not handle the extra mouse buttons.

I'll probably have to start this tomorrow. Meanwhile, can you give me the spiel on why I would be happier with Windows Defender?



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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #79 on: February 10, 2024, 09:50:20 pm »
OK. I uninstalled Avast. My app does not handle the extra mouse buttons.
Ok. At least one huge potential piece is eliminated then  ;)
You can reinstall it then if you are happier with Avast.

I'll probably have to start this tomorrow. Meanwhile, can you give me the spiel on why I would be happier with Windows Defender?
Not perse happier but my experience with Norton, Avast, AVG, Avira (BTW now all owned by former Symantec now Gen digital) is crappy as hell. Major slowdowns and other problems. Not only for me but also at my clients.

Up until a few years ago Windows Defender was behind the other virusscanners but that has changed. For detection alone it is comparable with the others. No, it's not 100% but neither are the others. Windows itself is also a lot more secure when it comes to hacking and viruses (if updated correctly).

If you really rely on the features if Avast One (the extras) then yes, you probably want to keep it. But for me and for just anti-virus, neatly integrated in Windows itself, Windows Defender is enough (but that's personal preference).

BTW Avast was the one buying Piriform and ruining CCleaner with crapware (the same CCleaner free which was later infected by hackers) and later on they also sold collected user-data to third parties. No, not a company I entrust my security to.


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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #80 on: February 11, 2024, 12:12:28 pm »
The curious thing that I have just experienced is that several forgotten programs that I used to rely on have suddenly popped up and are fully operating. Which makes me like Windows 11 a little more than I had.

OK, I'll give Defender  a chance.



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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #81 on: February 11, 2024, 03:25:12 pm »
It appears that I have found the conflicting app ... it is the Logitec Mouse Driver. Since it was using the latest driver, and they have progressed to a new product, I just have to rely on the Windows driver.

The problem with that is that Windows doesn't have any settings for the 4 & 5 buttons.

I tried X-Mouse and it doesn't have any PageUp and PageDown functionality, which is what I prefer to assign to the 4 & 5 buttons.

However, my own coding is working properly for my app, and this episode seems to be resolved.

Thanks to all for your help.



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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #82 on: February 11, 2024, 03:33:50 pm »
It appears that I have found the conflicting app ... it is the Logitec Mouse Driver. Since it was using the latest driver, and they have progressed to a new product, I just have to rely on the Windows driver.
Ha, just as I thought ;)
It is still strange that you other app did accept those buttons and when Windows didn't.
Maybe it bypassed the Windows driver.
Also strange that it works for 9 days before failing.

But I'm glad you found the problem and I hope it keeps working  :D


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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #83 on: February 11, 2024, 04:40:25 pm »
When it worked for 9 days it was interrupting my app. My app was set to do a ShowMessage so I would know that is fired. Instead it was just doing PageUp & PageDown by the Logitech settings.

So it looks like the 9 days was Logitec looking for what app was trying to take control. When it found it they blocked my app.

I thought that it was something like that, which is why I opened this thread by asking if OnMouseDown should have a HANDLED flag (like OnMouseWheel has) to tell Windows to not take action.

As is, it seems like a free-for-all to see who takes the call first. Likewise, it seems like Windows doesn't care ... because they don't control buttons 4 & 5 anyway.



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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #84 on: February 25, 2024, 06:00:03 pm »
It has been 2 weeks, and there hasn't been any problems. I have completely excised Logitech, and I have gotten to know X-Mouse better. It is doing everything that I need ... including the PgUp & PgDn buttons (by a Simulated Keys method; easy enough).

It is also doing the paging with the same effects that I had been making. So I can forget about my own coding. I had done the coding because Logitech was doing things crudely. But my coding only handled RichMemo. X-Mouse is handling the whole computer.

So thanks for the recommendation. I also appreciate the tip about Windows Defender being improved. It has been doing a great job.



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Re: OnMouseDown event
« Reply #85 on: February 25, 2024, 06:07:53 pm »
👍  8-)

Yeah, I have CTRL+F4 under the middle mouse button to quickly close tabs. If X-Mouse is disabled or closed then I really miss that one  ;)

Great it works for you too.


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