OK. I uninstalled Avast. My app does not handle the extra mouse buttons.
Ok. At least one huge potential piece is eliminated then

You can reinstall it then if you are happier with Avast.
I'll probably have to start this tomorrow. Meanwhile, can you give me the spiel on why I would be happier with Windows Defender?
Not perse happier but my experience with Norton, Avast, AVG, Avira (BTW now all owned by former Symantec now Gen digital) is crappy as hell. Major slowdowns and other problems. Not only for me but also at my clients.
Up until a few years ago Windows Defender was behind the other virusscanners but that has changed. For detection alone it is comparable with the others. No, it's not 100% but neither are the others. Windows itself is also a lot more secure when it comes to hacking and viruses (if updated correctly).
If you really rely on the features if Avast One (the extras) then yes, you probably want to keep it. But for me and for just anti-virus, neatly integrated in Windows itself, Windows Defender is enough (but that's personal preference).
BTW Avast was the one buying Piriform and ruining CCleaner with crapware (the same CCleaner free which was later infected by hackers) and later on they also sold collected user-data to third parties. No, not a company I entrust my security to.