
Author Topic: How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug  (Read 1765 times)


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How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug
« on: December 18, 2023, 12:39:05 am »
 How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug,
I has use fppdf.pp to create pdf,but I went to debug the fppdf.pp code,cannot step into fppdf.pp


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Re: How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2023, 12:55:05 am »
How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug,
I has use fppdf.pp to create pdf,but I went to debug the fppdf.pp code,cannot step into fppdf.pp

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Re: How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2023, 01:21:26 pm »
How can I step into fppdf.pp when debug,
I has use fppdf.pp to create pdf,but I went to debug the fppdf.pp code,cannot step into fppdf.pp
1) make directory in a tmp location of your choice eg: /home/user/tmp/__fppdf
2) copy the file "fppdf.pp" to your tmp-location
3) rename "fppdf.pp" in your tmp-location to "__fppdf.pp", remember the unit name inside the file  ;)
4) in your app change the uses to use "__fppdf" and include your tmp-location in "Project-Options-Path"
5) recompile your project with debug-info on.
6) now you should be able to step into the fppdf.pp source...
7) when you're done, simply change your uses clause back to "fppdf" and remove tmp-location from project options.
Give that a whirl and see what happens  8-)
Regards Benny
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