@jcmontherock, as one who don't has Win11 yet but would like to be prepared, i appreciate your sample a lot!
Anyhow, hm, i'm wondering as i don't recognize - regarding the essentials - much differences between this approach
and the code sample from ASerge (Win resp. Win10) as mentioned via link earlier (reply #3 here).
https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,53996.msg400431.html#msg400431Eg. both are using IID_IContextMenu, IContextMenu(2,3). - See uSysContextMenu.zip within this link.
For to shorten this up: if you say your sample works in Win11 like in Win10, this sounds very good!
Moreover, i'd be intereted to see where user defined functions added to the menu (via AppendMenu) will appear (is this what had been called "shell extensions" earlier?? Not sure).
Will it appear within the main popup, or will it be sunken within "More ..." ?
Could you or anybody other interested could attach an image how that will look when generated on Win11?
One might use this little modification of your test project attached.