Not solved, trying to fix this issue which probably a simple fix. Basically, just attempting to pack/re-index all the tables used by the app. The main form has all the tables in use, not a main form with no tables calling other forms which use the tables. This is just a client/contacts simple but a bit more involved than a regular contacts mgt. program. The main form is launched with all the tables open which is clients/contacts. To perform maintenance on all the tables, which is another form called from the File-Maintenance main menu just does the packing and re-indexing. I can't get this to run because when the maintenance form is accessed and I start the maint. process, it immediately blows up with a file access issue with any of the tables from the main form even though I'm closing the tables just before the maint. form is launched. I've attached the code from the maint. form along with the error screen shot. If anyone can see the issue more experienced than I would appreciate your input. Tks, 1HuntnMan