With my little app, that's using sqlite3 db, I have this problem:
1) I store a datetime value converted to a 64bit PtrUInt, in sqlite using:
Exec.ParamByName('pdate').AsLargeInt:= aMemItem.DateTime.AsInteger;
where the "AsInteger" prop is ptruint.
2) I check in sqlite3 manager app, that the value is very well written, OK.
3) I then retrieve said largeint value like this:
lMemItem.DateTime.AsInteger:= fDb.Query.FieldByName('date_mt').AsLargeInt;
again, where the "AsInteger" prop is ptruint.
4) However, when I break in the setter "AsInteger" and check the value, I only get a 32bit value covering the first 4 bytes in the ptruint, the last 4 bytes are =0 ?!?
5) So, here's my question: Where the H*ll have my data gone off to???
...and don't tell that it's them christmas-elves that took it
6) I specifically use "AsLargeInt" to fetch the value, which returns a LargeInt => int64 => signed 64bit, but enough to last me to year 9999
7) "ParambyName() puts hte right value in the database, I checked.
I only get (the right) 4 bytes back, where are the other 4?
A little bit of help would be appreciated...
cretblMemTitles = 'CREATE TABLE memtitles('+
'id_mt integer primary key, '+
'date_mt unsigned big int, '+ { ~ affinity = INTEGER }
'title_mt varchar(512), '+
'spare_mt varchar(512)'+
Pretty simple, huh?!?
edit: the system in question is:PCLinuxOS 64bit(rolling release) -> KDE5 -> FPC 3.2.2 -> Lazarus 2.2.6Regards Benny