Forum > Embedded - AVR

Store string in flash memory

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--- Quote from: dseligo on November 27, 2023, 08:01:09 pm ---ATtiny841 has 512 bytes of EEPROM, so Address can be from 0 to 511. If you use EEPROM_writew that from 0 to 510 because that procedure writes two bytes in a row.

--- End quote ---

Usual health warning: EEPROM only supports a limited number of writes before the chip is damaged.

The projected lifetime will be in the device data sheet, which is a resource that OP needs to get used to using.

Apropos Flash, /some/ chips allow it to be updated from running code. The details- alignment/blocking, selective erasure, fuse settings etc.- will be in the datasheet ,which might need to be read in conjunction with a detailed description of the bootloader if used.



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