it's a term for sloppy incompetent lazy etc programmer. it's a reference to the sad reality of outsourced cheap labor that is widespread nowadays
so, it's a derogatory term which you use to paint those who have a different opinion than yours.
yeah I understand that fine control over what's installed is complicated
and i have no idea how it works internally i'm just a stupid end-user
but those who have the knowledge to implement what you admitted to being unable to implement are "pajeets".
comparisons with V*sual St*dio make no sense. that is a bloated monster.
I have to agree that VS is "a bit" on the bloated side. One thing I don't understand is why you put asterisks in the reference to Visual Studio, as bloated as it is, it is not an offensive term (at least not to most programmers I know.)
indeed comparisons to Delphi as MarkMLI said would make more sense
Yes and no because Lazarus, unlike Delphi, depends on having some of the source code available to function as intended. That is already a significant difference between the two environments. IOW, no comparison is going to be a fair match because of the different implementation philosophies.
dude i never said it's a resource hog or anything no on the contrary it starts up really quickly and CPU and memory usage are really low again i just suggested some possible improvements to make things even better you see
i pointed out some extreme cases just for illustration purposes
but, you are complaining about its size. Sizewise and, considering everything it does and can potentially do (what it can potentially do is very important), its size is not unreasonable at all and, I personally don't think worth complaining about.
If you feel that strongly about the size of the Lazarus installation, there is a very simple solution, identify what you believe you will never use and create a script to delete the files involved. Run that script after every Lazarus install. Please, don't say that requires work on your part, because that would show a character trait ("not wanting to work") which you have, and continue to, deride. I presume you don't want to be the target of your own derisive comments.
but it's sad to see HDD price mentioned again that's not a central point this is about efficiency above all and that type of reasoning leads to pajeet mentality and naturally one should expect Pascal programmers to be better than that if thats the way it is because nowadays things are like that why dont we all just join the pajeet hordes i mean we already have a Pascal to j*vascript converter
The HDD price is important because that's what determines _most_ of the space cost of a software installation. At current hard drive prices, a Lazarus installation costs approximately $0.014. Again, personally, I think this "problem" isn't something that deserves much concern currently. Shaving 300MB of the installation would save roughly 20% of the cost. At that rate, after accumulating the savings for a few years, there might be enough to purchase some chewing gum (inflation permitting.)