
Author Topic: FPC 3.2.2 / Apple Silicon / Linker:ld: warning: -multiply_defined is obsolete  (Read 6040 times)


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Installed fpc on an M3 and I've been moving code over from the intel Mac.

Seems fine, however, I get this warning when compiling (command line: "fpc -O2 schmoo" )

Linking schmoo
ld: warning: -multiply_defined is obsolete

I assume it's harmless but wonder what I can do to get rid of it (ie: Is is something in my code?).

and this odd note:

-macosx_version_min has been renamed to -macos_version_min

Which as about as innocuous as it gets....
Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
..Samuel Clemens.


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I am writing in a tone that comes across as very belittling here because I am unable to figure out why you did not try this yourself so assume you did not because you have no idea this option/feature exist.

The following text is not intended to discredit, offend and/or otherwise insult your intelligence (and for sure you are not the only one who does not seem to know about this feature).

If you look at your browser window when browsing these forums, then you are able to locate a few links at the top right of the webpage.

One of those links is named search. When you press it, you'll be redirected to the search html page.

On that search page are several inputboxes, checkboxes and a drop-down-list located together with a search 'button' at the bottom right.

In the inputfield "search for" enter the text "macosx_version_min" (without the quotes)
In the inputfield "By user" enter the text "*" (=asterisk , again without the quotes)
In the dropdown-list "Search order" select "Most recent topics first"
You can leave all other options to default.

Then press the search button at the bottom right and wait for the results to turn up in your browser.

At the time of writing there are 17 'hits' of messages where that line of text that you searched for is mentioned (including your message).

Hover your mouse-cursor over the most right located link for each found entry, click on it with your right mouse button, then select "open link in new tab" (assuming your browser has such an option), navigate and active each individual opened tab and start reading the contents of those messages in order to find out more about that particular message you searched for (and for which you wish to know more information).

It is very informative material to read and probably answers most of your questions.

In the hopes that it helps
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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Belittle yourself.  I did first search using the exact string thrown from the linker and nothing specifically relevant was returned.

I in fact got 4 results.  (Screenshot below).

1 of which had nothing to do with the subject at all and 3 of which returned other issues not directly related to the linker output message.

Thus.  My question.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2023, 02:42:17 am by AlanTheBeast »
Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
..Samuel Clemens.


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Belittle yourself
Thank you for having proofed my point  ;D
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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All you proved was depending on how the search string is entered, different results come back.

But I take your point and I will fuck off now as that seems to be your specific goal.
Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
..Samuel Clemens.


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All you proved was depending on how the search string is entered, different results come back.
Indicating that you do not have a clear understanding on how to do a proper search. That is why I explained, in detail so that you are able to educate yourself.

But I take your point and I will fuck off now as that seems to be your specific goal.
I do not have any goal other than for you to educate yourself.

But I see how it is. You rather have people handing you over the fish instead of you having to put in the effort to learn how to fish. On top of that the explanation on how to receive the fish should be repeated multiple times for your leisure.

Not feeding that leisure ends up in strong language.

Could be me (probably is) but there is something wrong with that picture you just drew of yourself.
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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FWIW, working primarily with Lazarus on OSX here, as you did, I did quite a bit of searching on the forum and across the net, to learn about the multiply_defined and the version warnings --with almost nothing to be found.

From my history, linker failures (as Lazarus reports these) can be a very consequential event,  In this case, the newer apple linker produced these linker warnings on my wife's up to date M1 Macbook pro but not on my older 2015 machine.

Anyway, it seems these options are being passed incorrectly to the Apple linker by Lazarus and are bugs which need to be addressed, though probably not urgently.   No effect I can find at on our big multi-threaded L projects!

« Last Edit: February 08, 2024, 08:52:00 pm by kcandrews »


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Thank you for your polite reply.  Refreshing!

I've been away from here for quite a while due to reply of the sanctimonious priest of all that is holy.
Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
..Samuel Clemens.


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Have you been able to solve this issue?

I have exactly the same issue on my M1 Max running Ventura 13.7.2
using an fpcupdeluxe install of FPC3.2.2/Lazarus3.6 (stable/stable) when
compiling a standard HelloWorld.

When using the Lazarus3.8 package downloaded from,
I do not have this error...

I am aiming at mastering pfcupdeluxe in order to create a multi-version fpc/lazarus environment to use for cross-compiling
for Mac/Win & x64/aarch64/arm.


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