I'm playing with this solution now. It doesn't throw any errors but it's not doing anything. Very strange.
The procedure now looks like this;
procedure TForm1.RichMemo1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
iNode : String;
v : Integer;
iNode := TTreeview(Source).Selected.Text; //Treeview is the Source.
// Preserve the position of the Vertical Scrollbar
v := RichMemo1.VertScrollBar.Position;
// Set the starting position for the text to be inserted into the RichMemo
RichMemo1.SelStart := RichMemo1.CharAtPos(0,Y);
// Insert the text
RichMemo1.SelText := iNode;
// Reset the position of the Vertical Scrollbar
RichMemo1.VertScrollBar.Position := v;
// Put the values of v and RichMemo1.VertScrollBar.Position into two text boxes, lets see if they differ.
Edit2.Text := IntToStr(v);
Edit3.Text := IntToStr(RichMemo1.VertScrollBar.Position);
And the result is that the values DO differ. The value of v, it seems, is not being stored in (accepted by?) RichMemo1.VertScrollBar.Position, and as a result the RichMemo keeps doing its thing. Most frustrating.