The file sizes do come down really nicely after the strip, but they all seem to be affected by the same issue.
I've tried the Free Pascal strip, and some tools from the Android NDK that were already present on my system from RAD Studio / Visual Studio installations - three strip.exe's so far, all with the same result.
It really is such a shame that we ultimately cannot use your brilliant work again, this time due to bugs in external tools.
More constricting is the fact that it doesn't seem to be possible to turn off debug information generation from the command line while using lazbuild:,65521.msg499324.html#msg499324I honestly haven't had the chance to turn back to our raw test cases (hoping to do so once crunch time here is over), but I strongly doubt a thorough re-examination of the issue would yield different findings where scenarios involving removal of debug information post-build are concerned.
At least we tried