
Author Topic: Little suggestion  (Read 5322 times)


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Little suggestion
« on: December 11, 2004, 10:22:30 am »
I had a look today at the new lazarus win32 binary. It installed and runs ok.

Now I found a bug and wanted to fix it.
If I resize the Lazarus Code Editor Window then the inside code editor field does not get resized.

To make fixing bugs more easy, I suggest to make an command line parameter for lazarus.exe. If switched on then the caption of a window should  either show it's class name or the unit name.

Since I am not familiar with the Lazarus source code, it would help to find the correct unit to watch/debug.

The steps it took me to the correct location:
I had to take an external tool to search all files in directory c:\lazarus for the string "Lazarus Source Editor".
And ended up in the file <lazarusidestrconsts.pas>.
Here I found <locwndSrcEditor>. Now search again all files for this string.
This finally brought my to the correct unit <unitEditor.pp>.

This could be speed up by my suggestion.


Vincent Snijders

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Little suggestion
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2004, 11:49:32 am »
You can use find in files, instead of the external tool. (Search, Find in files).

I don't know how much time it would take to implement your suggestion, but IMHO it is not easy to change all captions.

Vincent Snijders

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Little suggestion
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2004, 02:25:34 pm »
Delphifreak, this bug is related to bug 488. This might help to create a smaller test app.


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