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Web Pascal without JavaScript = Pascal + HTMX

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Started a project with Pascal (CGI) and HTMX lib, which enables you to create SPA (Single Page Applications) without using JavaScript.

I hope it turns out to be interesting to some people and serve as a starting point.

[edit] changed repo address

Nice. I use HTMX in my projects, including in my blog which is 99% static content. Good stuff.

How about adding another demo using fphttpapp, to do away with using Python entirely.

Great idea Pierce, thanks for sharing it!

I'll also probably make a Pas2JS node module one, too!

Hi zendrael,

Thanks for the short CGI demo.
I used it to make a small fphttpapp demo.
The code is in the attachment.

HTMX is something to explore for sure!
Have fun!

Hi nummer8!

Thanks a lot for sharing the code!

Can I modify it a little and add to the repo structure?


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