
Author Topic: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success  (Read 3196 times)


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Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« on: October 12, 2023, 01:02:45 pm »
I tried Raspberry Pi 400 64 bits Bookworm. USB SSD.
Fresh install  went fine. Looks familiar. Nice photo of a Chinese fisherman!

I use my Pi 400 mostly for compiling my Lazarus programs, so I installed Lazarus from Add/Remove programs. Installs OK.
Not very speedy, but OK.

Command line compilation is OK.  Lazarus GUI applications are broken, for a very simple hello world form, there appears first an empty form and then the real form after a long wait.

Installing with fpcupdeluxe (aarch64) fails.

So Lazarus and Bookworm have to wait until the software catches up. Bullseye is fine for now. Pascal for Small Machines. The School of Wirth, sources of old Pascal compilers,


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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2023, 01:30:33 pm »
Command line compilation is OK.  Lazarus GUI applications are broken, for a very simple hello world form, there appears first an empty form and then the real form after a long wait.
Known issue. Seem to depend on windows manager being used. Try a search on these forums as here have been some fixes (not sure if they ended up in the source-tree). I have seen people mention up to 30 secs delay or smaller. I use bookworm on a intel machine with marco and no issues except once in a blue moon the main form tries to refresh itself about a zillion times before it is displayed. Activating the form (sometimes a small move to left or right) fixes that for me.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2023, 01:33:11 pm by TRon »
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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2023, 01:57:15 pm »
Known issue. Seem to depend on windows manager being used.

Ah, one of /those/. I don't have one of the latest RPis, but I have in the past seen problems where the window manager (AKA desktop environment) wasn't passing various metrics to an app which badly screwed up runtime decisions about window/pane sizes. I was able to get things properly by switching to KDE, but it was deathly slow.

This is clearly a Raspbian (or WTF they call it these days) problem, but they are reluctant to admit it and there's very little likelihood of a fix. TBH, I consider the issue and attitude together enough to make me reluctant to select that platform where an alternative exists.

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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2023, 03:14:46 pm »
Seem they switched from x11 and mutter to Wayland and Wayfire. seem to e the case for pi4/5 only atm.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2023, 03:19:19 pm by TRon »
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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2023, 03:51:25 pm »
Seem they switched from x11 and mutter to Wayland and Wayfire. seem to e the case for pi4/5 only atm.

In my case the problems predate that. I believe that they've quite simply missed chunks out of their display manager... the problem is that I've never found my way around the X11 protocol stack to be able to work out what one needs to probe that sort of thing.

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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2023, 05:28:11 pm »
Lazarus GUI applications are broken, for a very simple hello world form, there appears first an empty form and then the real form after a long wait.
I could just close that empty form and after that my actual form appeared quickly.

Installing with fpcupdeluxe (aarch64) fails.
Compiling FPC and Lazarus trunk went without problems for me (with my existing script) on a Pi 4 with fresh bookworm.

To work a bit easier I also installed xrdp (for Windows RDP) but that one seems to just access X11 server on the Pi (so there are no problems then).

I could activate VNC and saw it started wayvnc as VNC server on port 5900.

Anybody know how I can connect to it from a Windows machine?
I tried tightvnc viewer and realvnc viewer but both don't work. "No supported authentication method".


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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2023, 07:56:28 am »
I just installed RaspberryPi OS Bookworm and I have the same symptoms as @hansotten, that is, a blank form appears several seconds before the main form - of course, as @rvk advised, you can close it and the application immediately appears, but it is annoying. Will have to dump Wayland and install X11.

@hansotten: fpcupdeluxe installs without a problem. You install the necessary packages:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt install libx11-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev gityou download fpcupdeluxe-aarch64-linux (for RaspberryPi OS 64-bit), then run it and install fpc+lazarus

@rvk: from Windows at the moment you can only connect using TigerVNC:
when connecting there will be a message that an invalid certificate, but you click "Yes" and then it works. After connecting under the F8 key you have the VNC context menu, where you can, among other things, enable or disable fullscreen
Best regards / Pozdrawiam


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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2023, 10:51:14 am »
@rvk: from Windows at the moment you can only connect using TigerVNC:
when connecting there will be a message that an invalid certificate, but you click "Yes" and then it works. After connecting under the F8 key you have the VNC context menu, where you can, among other things, enable or disable fullscreen
Yes, that works, thanks.
Now I disabled the authentication in ~/.config/wayvnc/config and the other clients (tightvnc/realvnc/ultravnc viewers) work too.

I still find vnc really sluggish. If I connect using RDP on Windows to xrdp it's much snappier (and it creates it's own session).
But maybe that's an illusion or a settings thing...  :-\


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Re: Raspberry PI 4 and Bookworm 64 bit and lazarus, no success
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2023, 06:42:02 pm »
Got a Raspbery Pi 5. Of course with the required Bookworm 64 bit. SSD attached, desktop version up and running in a short time.

Comes with Lazarus 2.2.6 via apt install. That version runs ok and solves any dependency.

fpcupdeluxe delivered then trunk for me , and that runs.

Really appreciate the speed improvement, first Pi where my simulators are OK.

I did not see the problems I had with a Pi 4, things are more mature in Bookworm on a Pi now it seems Pascal for Small Machines. The School of Wirth, sources of old Pascal compilers,


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