Forum > Suggestions

Integrate AVRco Pascal into Freepascal?

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Yes, I think, this was what I mean:-)
My problem at this moment is, I installed some AVR Versions for the Compiler I see ARM etc. but no AVR in Lazarus


--- Quote from: coradi on October 11, 2023, 07:39:42 am ---Yes, I think, this was what I mean:-)
My problem at this moment is, I installed some AVR Versions for the Compiler I see ARM etc. but no AVR in Lazarus

--- End quote ---
In your project options config and target select:
target OS: embedded
target cpu family: avr
target processor: <your preferred processor target>


Yes, thanks, I found a Youtube Tutorial for a minute for this:-)


--- Quote from: coradi on October 10, 2023, 09:14:48 pm ---and the use of defination files or something?
Then Freepascal does have a complete definations list for most of AVRs:-)

--- End quote ---

RTFM. I've just gone looking at DocuCompiler.pdf and section 10.1 appears to indicate that the syntax is the same as FPC uses.

The reason I looked is that I have in the past used a Pascal compiler which had a module syntax closer to that of Modula-2, and I developed various workarounds to get source to work with both that and Turbo Pascal.

Look, I'm sorry to be brutal here but there really is absolutely no excuse for your not doing your own homework here. Apart from anything else your German is almost certainly better than mine...


Sorry, I don't understand. I myself don't use AVRco Pascal at all, but rather Mikroe Pascal. I just found out that the developer of AVRco has passed away, and I thought maybe something valuable can be preserved from the AVRco compiler instead of letting it disappear underground, nothing more.


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