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I almost forget. You may want to consider:

The development was a bit slow but since some years it has been financially supported using Patreon, many new features have been added.

I tried it long ago before it could be used for developing Android games and visual editor have not been implemented yet, etc, not much I can say about it.

Если вы сами писали код программы, то вы можете попробовать использовать ZenGL.
Его проблемы - это:
- собирать надо под каждую платформу отдельно.
- нет автономного сборщика проектов, потому настраивать проекты надо самому (на данное время).

- достаточно знать Паскаль для написания программы и не обязательно знать OpenGL, DirectX или что-то подобное.
- есть демонстрационные примеры для начальной работы.
- не малая собственная функциональность.

Если вы в самом деле решите попробовать, то для Android вы можете использовать одну из демок под свой проект, чтоб не задумываться как изначально собрать проект. И здесь информация по подготовке к сборке проекта под Android.

Проверьте демонстрационные примеры, а потом попробуйте собрать свой проект.

Google translate:
If you wrote the program code yourself, then you can try using ZenGL.
His problems are:
- you need to assemble it separately for each platform.
- there is no autonomous project collector, so you need to configure projects yourself (at this time).

- it is enough to know Pascal to write a program and it is not necessary to know OpenGL, DirectX or anything like that.
- there are demo examples for initial work.
- not a small functionality of its own.

If you really decide to try, then for Android you can use one of the demos for your project, so as not to think about how to initially assemble the project. And here is information on preparing to build a project for Android.

Check out the demos and then try building your own project.
Good luck!  ;)

You can see

So in order to get this thing to work for mobile I would have to write and compile a PC version, an android version and an iOS version?


--- Quote from: dLm on October 11, 2023, 05:58:47 pm ---So in order to get this thing to work for mobile I would have to write and compile a PC version, an android version and an iOS version?

--- End quote ---

If your goal is to write a game and you want to run it smoothly on the following platforms;
Web, Windows, Android, iOS, Nintendo , PlayStation, Xbox, VR ...
I think you should try Unity.

I remember that in a study I did 5~6 years ago, multi-platform compilations worked quickly and smoothly. I think he's in better shape now.

A made example;


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