Hi, I used to program years ago back in the late 80's & 90's. Started out with Clipper then moved to Delphi 5 then 7. I was in a conversation with a friend which ended up him asking me to write a system to manage his business. I'm retired and always looking for a new project. So, researching decided to use Lazarus/FPC. Starting out, was easy-pezy but can't get anything to run after awhile. What happens, I can design a main form with a main menu plus speed-buttons at the top. Running this, great. Design a second form that would be contacts mgt. Running this, found that launching the second form from the main caused an issue just because my design was more like Delphi so did some reading. Basically, adding the second form to my project puts this unit into the project file and creates the form in the project file when this to me isn't necessary because I can do this in the main form. Anyway, figured this all out and got the second form launching for awhile. But, after about a week, Windows 10 doesn't recognize Lazarus and I have to run as Administrator although my login is as an administrator. But, every time I launch Lazarus Windows pops up, "Do you want this app from an unknown Windows to run this program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this device?" So, I've removed Lazarus and reinstalled multiple times. After a 3-4 times starting up Lazarus I get an error that it can't load my project and to start a new project, see the attached. So, I've been starting a new project and reloading my units every time, give me a break! I would be glad to share the source of the Project file and the 2 units I've created thus far if that would help with anyone to figure this out. I also read that a few folks have installed both the 32 bit and the 64 bit versions of Lazarus to avoid memory issues. I did that yesterday and back to the same issues after starting up Lazarus after just 3 times. I has a problem with my Project file and I have to start a new project and add my 2 units into the new Project.
Tks & advise,
Donald aka 1HuntnMan