every time start lazarus, got the initial wizard because fppkg configuration problem (Fppkg reports that the RTL is not installed.)
try to do "Restore Fppkg configuration", not success.
already found why this happened:
in my environments have multi fpc version installed,
I put them all in C:\fpc directory, and by {FPCVERSION}-{TARGETOS} directory,
currently have: 3.0.4-win32, 3.0.4-win64, 3.2.0-win64,
lazarus-trunk was build by 3.2.0-win64
in the "Generate new Fppkg configuration files" dialog,
it said need a prefix that contain "3.2.0\units" and/or "3.2.0\fpmkinst"
in my situation, I can not give any valid prefix that contained "{FPCVERSION}\{units,fpmkinst}"
the multi fpc version layout was used for years and I think it's good for multi version co-exists
so, is there any **smarter** solution to make fppkg work? is this prefix required by fpc or lazarus?
I update my build scripts, now put win32/win64 to c:\fpc\3.2.0 directory together.