Downloaded a new .deb, decompression problem still alive.
What I meant to say is that the buildserver from the FPC team that is used to build the .deb files has been updated recently. Meaning the issue you ran into is persistent and will (most probably) not be changed.
Huh huh, some hours of work, due to broken dependancies and so on...
Strange. Most dependencies are necessary to be able to build something with Lazarus to begin with. Basically you only need make, the sources can alternatively downloaded from sourceforge (so no need for git) or by doing a zip/tar/gz download from gitlab/github.
However, I am assuming you have a working FPC (v3.2.2) commandline compiler
I don't understand what you mean. My "actions" are only one, "folding code", which doesn't stay folded after "Save project" and re-open project.
I was referring to your efforts in trying to get the .deb file decompressed by installing zstd tools/updating dppkg

Plain Debian Bullseye.
In that case that is strange that dppkg was not updated on/for your distro.
Starting again in console shows :
/usr/share/lazarus/3.0.0/startlazarus: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /usr/share/lazarus/3.0.0/startlazarus)
and my glibc is 2.31 without nothing in Synaptic to allow upgrading.
Ah craps. I forgot about that. Yeah that is a
known issue and does require you to build from source.
Can you share what dependencies are missing for you ? and is it a problem for you to add them ? That is, assuming you wish to proceed with building Lazarus from source. As said you are more or less required to do so if you would like to stay on bulls-eye (or wait for your distro maintainer(s) to update lazarus).