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Adding new Z80 platforms? Advice needed.

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Thanks. I have used Windows for much longer, but am unfamiliar with most of the needed versioning and make tools.

It seems that most emulators are easier to install on Windows, so that's one plus point for it.

Would using the Debian version of WSL2 make sense? Is it easy to install the Lazarus IDE on that? The only info I've found so far is about four years old, so I'm not sure how accurate it is.


--- Quote from: Wysardry on September 11, 2023, 09:02:57 pm ---Would using the Debian version of WSL2 make sense? Is it easy to install the Lazarus IDE on that? The only info I've found so far is about four years old, so I'm not sure how accurate it is.

--- End quote ---

Debian is at least rather stable and the binutils for legacy systems might not change that much. So, yes, Debian should be suitable.

However installing Lazarus in WSL2 has the additional problem that you either need a very current system so that you can follow this guide or you also need to setup a X server on Windows.
Alternatively you point the compiler configured in the Windows Lazarus to the Linux binary of the compiler (see here).

Although my laptop is almost 7 years old now, it does have a new enough build of Windows 10 to follow that guide. Thanks.

My main reason for wanting to use Debian is that my other computers run some form of it, so switching to one of them would be easier if I needed to.

Is there a test program available to check whether all the standard features of FreePascal work on a new target? Do people generally use FPTest, fpcunit or something else?

I'm a little vague about what the minimal/core features are.


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