First, a twofold sorry: i'm not sure if it really belongs herein, and: for text search usually i used a separate tool:
What's the correct answer for the question how to exclude binaries from searches?
What i mean is: interested in speed. And assuming others are not quite interested to in to search within exe's, dll's, obj's, bmp etc. … eg: exe,dll,dcu,zip,rar,ttf,chm,pdf,xls,png,ico,jpg,gif,bmp,svg,tga,pcx,mp3,wav,db3,dbf,mdb,o,a,obj,ppu,res,ppm,bin,mdx,dat,mo,mod,blue,green,red,tlb,cur,dcr,lrs,xpm,msg,odg,odt,ods,RUS,uni,odp,mbf,fbk,icns,ans,fpcmake,raw,dia,bgf,s3m,grit,it,pew
It's a matter of speed (search, with some tool, within a whole Lazarus or Delphi (or others) root dir including vs. excluding such file exensions and you know what i mean).
Imo the edit used for to specify a positive list resp a specific file search pattern (eg. project*.pas) should not be overwhelmed for this very principle task.
What's recommended how to do that best?
My vote would be for a negative list; set it one time, benefit from the speed gain and forget.