Thank you.
When I wrote my post, I was using the already compiled package LazMapViewer.pkg, v0.2.5, available on the SVN of sourceForge (, that seems not taking into account new versions of source file.
This package v0.2.5 seems to no provide the recent evolutions of the code with "DrawPreviewTiles".
After posting my post, I managed to have the demo work, but it is a turn around :
- de-installing the lazmapviewer package v0.2.5 from the IDE
- regenerating the IDE to complety delete it-
- recompiling the demo code generated errors as no LazMapViewer element were available
- then I added all the source code of lazmapviewer source folder to the demo project (
- recompiling now the code, and it works
But this is not satisfactory .... because your process should be the correct one, but I have a problem ...
"the package from the sourceforge site via svn or zip snapshot, open the file "lazmapviewer.pkg.lpkl" in Lazarus "
-> this file "lazmapviewer.pkg.lpkl" is not available on sourceforge ?!?