
Author Topic: [CLOSED] IDE shows wrong Error Message "Cross compiler not supported" (fpcupdelu  (Read 6664 times)


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I did *not* install any packages. This package must be part of Lazarus.
You perhaps did not but my Lazarus does not seem to include gtk2richmemo.pas. It could be you selected to include the package (or fpcdeluxe does it by default). Unfortunately I am not that versed with fpcdeluxe.

One thing that I can say though is that if you are unable to (re)build Lazarus then there is a problem somewhere. Lazarus (re)build itself each and every time you add a package or when you select another (not already used) widget target. And that process should just work otherwise you are in risk to end up with a non-working version of Lazarus (you can always fall back to the last build/working version by using the backup executable though).

I'm completely stuck. What shall I do?
restore the backup executable (or the one that martin_fr suggested to manually backup). The automatic backup in my setup is named "lazarus.old" and can be renamed to lazarus but you can also do that with your manual backup (if you made one).

In order to really fix the issue (e.g. make it possible to (re-)build Lazarus) more work is required and depends on what time you are willing to invest (e.g. what route to take stick with fpcdeluxe or try another route).

btw does fpcdeluxe have a dedicated subthread for reporting these kind of issues ? I do not think the thread here does really get the attention from Don Alfredo or someone else more versed with fpcdeluxe
« Last Edit: June 11, 2023, 12:26:49 pm by TRon »
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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I did have a couple of minutes to spend and build the (cross)binutils and cross-compiler for aarch64.

Just my luck as I seem unable to reproduce the issue with FPC 3.2.2 (not fixes) and Lazarus 2.2.4 (not fixes). Ofc I am unable to actually create an executable because I do not have the aarch64 GUI libraries but without those dependencies FPC compiles just fine and selecting the aarch64 cpu target with Lazarus does not seem to give me an error.
Thank your for this test TRon. Did you use fpcupdeluxe for the basic installation and for the cross-compiler? Which OS do you use?

btw does fpcdeluxe have a dedicated subthread for reporting these kind of issues ? I do not think the thread here does really get the attention from Don Alfredo or someone else more versed with fpcdeluxe
Yes, there is one subthread for fpcupdeluxe, but this one has > 2200 replies and all mixed up from different questions. I used it in the past, but was not very successful. So I hesitate to use it, until we would be sure, that a bug in fpcupdeluxe is the root cause for this Error message.

I was able to compile the IDE after deleting package 'richmemo_design 0.0' via menu "Package / Install+Uninstall Packages".
Now, when the current project has "Target CPU family" = "aarch64", I get this output after starting the IDE and then the Error message occurs:

Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. hg6@i3300:/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus$ ./lazarus --verbose
  2. using config file /opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/lazarus.cfg
  3. SetPrimaryConfigPath NewValue="/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus" -> "/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus"
  4. Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE
  5. Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE StartPath=/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/lazarus
  6. Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE DefaultDir=/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/ CustomDir=/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus/bin/
  7. Debug: (lazarus) 10167 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE CustomExe=/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus/bin/lazarus Exits=False
  8. Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] PrimaryConfigPath="/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus"
  9. Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] SecondaryConfigPath="/etc/lazarus"
  10. TMainIDE.DoOpenProjectFile A "/media/D/FPC/work/archiv/wettcsv_Lx.lpi"
  11. TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget TargetOS="" TargetCPU="" LCLWidgetType=""
  12. Hint: (lazarus) [TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget] Old=x86_64-linux-gtk2 New=aarch64-linux-gtk2 Changed: OS/CPU=True LCL=False
  13. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines GetParsedFPCSourceDirectory needs FPCVer...
  14. Note: (lazarus) [IsCompilerExecutable] run "/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/"
  15. Hint: (lazarus) [RunTool] "/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/" "-va"
  16. TMainIDE.RescanCompilerDefines START  CompilerFilename=/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ Kind=FPC TargetOS=linux TargetCPU=aarch64 FPCOptions="" EnvFPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/ FPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/ WaitTillDone=False Quiet=False ClearCaches=False
  17. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines reading default compiler settings
  18. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines reading active compiler settings
  19. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines UnitSet changed=True ClearCaches=False CompilerFilename=/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ TargetOS=linux TargetCPU=aarch64 FPCOptions="" RealCompiler= EnvFPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/ FPCSrcDir=/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/
  20. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines UnitSet changed => save scan results
  21. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines updating FPC template UnitSetChanged=True OldTemplateExists=False
  22. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines updating FPC SRC template UnitSetChanged=True OldTemplateExists=False
  23. CreateFPCSrcTemplate FPCSrcDir="/opt/lazarus_224/fpcsrc/"
  24. TBuildManager.RescanCompilerDefines updating Lazarus source template OldTemplateExists=False OldExtraOptions="" NewExtraOptions="-dVerboseFPCSrcScan -dVerboseDefaultCompilerTarget"
  25. Error: (lazarus) [PPUFilesAndCompilerMatch] Compiler=/opt/lazarus_224/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ RealComp= InPath=

I still don't see there something like
Running the IDE from a console, it outputs what it does....
It runs:
Code: Bash  [Select][+][-]
  1.  ./fpc.exe -iWTOTP -Paarch64

@Martin_fr: was this what you expected, because we recompiled the IDE with 2 Debug-defines?


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Thank your for this test TRon.
No problem.

Did you use fpcupdeluxe for the basic installation and for the cross-compiler?
No for both questions. Both are manual builds and custom installations. I keep FPC builds separated from Lazarus builds as that allows me to plug in any compiler that I wish for to Lazarus (as long as Lazarus supports the compiler version). Besides that it allows me to use different versions of FPC as standalone compiler. e.g. fpc -V<free_pascal_version_number> test.pas (that is why my shell script is a tad different than yours though in basics it does exactly the same as yours)

Which OS do you use?
A distribution based on Debian Bookworm 64-bit x86 with Mate desktop.

Yes, there is one subthread for fpcupdeluxe, but this one has > 2200 replies and all mixed up from different questions. I used it in the past, but was not very successful. So I hesitate to use it, until we would be sure, that a bug in fpcupdeluxe is the root cause for this Error message.
Fair enough. Perhaps a small ping in that dedicated thread to link to this one ? Though you seem to have at least fixed the richmemo issue (good work on that).
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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The defines should not affect the line from the output with the fpc call => I got that, and I don't have the defines.

Though it seems it does not always happen (and not sure why). My Laz2.3 does not print it (but it may also be the project, or some other config, rather than the version).
My 2.2.7 does (line 3) (maybe I defined something somewhere, don't know)
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.NeedsUpdate] TargetOS="" TargetCPU="" Options="-Paarch64" compiler file changed "C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe" FileAge=1388023841 StoredAge=0
  2. Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.NeedsUpdate] C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe TargetOS= TargetCPU= CompilerOptions=-Paarch64 ExtraOptions= PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\
  3. Hint: (lazarus) [RunTool] "C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe" "-iWTOTP" "-Paarch64"
  4. Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.Update] has changed
  5. Hint: (lazarus) [TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget] Old=x86_64-win64-win32 New=aarch64-win64-win32 Changed: OS/CPU=True LCL=False
  6. Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.NeedsUpdate] TargetOS="win64" TargetCPU="aarch64" Options="" compiler file changed "C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe" FileAge=1388023841 StoredAge=0
  7. Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.NeedsUpdate] C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe TargetOS=win64 TargetCPU=aarch64 CompilerOptions= ExtraOptions=-FrB:\Lazarus_fx_2_2\components\codetools\fpc.errore.msg PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\
  8. Hint: (lazarus) [RunTool] "C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe" "-iWTOTP" "-Paarch64" "-Twin64" "-FrB:\Lazarus_fx_2_2\components\codetools\fpc.errore.msg"
  9. Warning: [TPCTargetConfigCache.Update] cannot find real compiler for this platform: Compiler="C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe" Options="-Paarch64 -Twin64 -FrB:\Lazarus_fx_2_2\components\codetools\fpc.errore.msg" RealCompiler=""
  10. Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.Update] has changed
  11. Error: (lazarus) [PPUFilesAndCompilerMatch] Compiler=C:\FPC\fpc_3.2.2\64\def\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe RealComp= InPath=

Sorry, but from my side that is just throwing in the odd idea, in the hope of finding (the needle in the haystack).
I never looked at the build code...
« Last Edit: June 11, 2023, 01:51:36 pm by Martin_fr »


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Thanks again to TRon and Martin_fr.
I added a small notice in the subthread for fpcupdeluxe in,34645.msg482284.html#msg482284 and hope that DonAlfredo will answer here.


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It might be that you invoked Lazarus 'wrongly' in the eyes of fpcdeluxe.

Do you have a entry in your menu that starts Lazarus (generated by fpc-deluxe) ?

For example, I use my own custom setting directory (and it might be your fpcdeluxe installation requires something similar):
Code: [Select]
/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/startlazarus --pcp=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig --verbose
Gtk-Message: 14:09:22.420: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
Adding "--pcp=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig" as a parameter
Adding "--verbose" as a parameter
SetPrimaryConfigPath NewValue="/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig" -> "/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig"
Debug: (lazarus) 18591 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE
Debug: (lazarus) 18591 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE StartPath=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/startlazarus
Debug: (lazarus) 18591 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE DefaultDir=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/ CustomDir=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig/bin/
Debug: (lazarus) 18591 TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE CustomExe=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig/bin/lazarus Exits=False
Info: (startlazarus) [TLazarusManager.Run] starting /home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/lazarus ...
Info: (startlazarus) [TLazarusManager.Run] exe/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/lazarus Params=[--started-by-startlazarus
Gtk-Message: 14:09:22.736: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
SetPrimaryConfigPath NewValue="/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig" -> "/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig"
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] PrimaryConfigPath="/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig"
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.ParseCmdLineOptions] SecondaryConfigPath="/etc/lazarus"
Warning: (lazarus) fppkg not properly configured.
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=.. File=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4 File=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=. File=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/.lazconfig
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/usr/share/lazarus File=/usr/share/lazarus
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/usr/local/share/lazarus File=/usr/local/share/lazarus
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/usr/local/lib/lazarus File=/usr/local/lib/lazarus
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/usr/local/lazarus File=/usr/local/lazarus
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/usr/lib/lazarus File=/usr/lib/lazarus
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=/usr/lib/lazarus/2.2.4 File=/usr/lib/lazarus/2.2.4
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=~/pascal/lazarus File=/home/magorium/pascal/lazarus
SearchLazarusDirectoryCandidates Value=~/lazarus File=/home/magorium/lazarus
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=fpc File=/home/scripts/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=ppcx64 File=
TEnvironmentOptions.GetParsedValue circular macro dependency: CompPath
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=$(CompPath) File=
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/usr/local/bin/fpc File=/usr/local/bin/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/usr/bin/fpc File=/usr/bin/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/opt/fpc/fpc File=/opt/fpc/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/home/scripts/fpc File=/home/scripts/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=$(LazarusDir)/fpc/3.2.2/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc File=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/fpc/3.2.2/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=$(LazarusDir)/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc File=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/usr/local/bin/fpc File=/usr/local/bin/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/usr/bin/fpc File=/usr/bin/fpc
SearchCompilerCandidates Value=/opt/fpc/fpc File=/opt/fpc/fpc
Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.NeedsUpdate] TargetOS="" TargetCPU="" Options="" compiler file changed "/home/scripts/fpc" FileAge=1671407636 StoredAge=0
Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.NeedsUpdate] /home/scripts/fpc TargetOS= TargetCPU= CompilerOptions= ExtraOptions= PATH=/home/scripts:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
Hint: (lazarus) [RunTool] "/home/scripts/fpc" "-iWTOTP"
Hint: (lazarus) [RunTool] "/home/scripts/fpc" "-va" "compilertest.pas" "-Fr/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg"
Hint: [TPCTargetConfigCache.Update] has changed
Hint: (lazarus) [TBuildManager.SetBuildTargetIDE] OS= CPU= WS=gtk2
Hint: (lazarus) [TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget] Old=x86_64-linux-gtk2 New=x86_64-linux-gtk2 Changed: OS/CPU=True LCL=False
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/home/apps/fpc/3.2.2/source File=/home/apps/fpc/3.2.2/source/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=$(LazarusDir)/fpc/$(FPCVer)/source File=/home/apps/lazarus/2.2.4/fpc/3.2.2/source/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=$Path($(CompPath))/../../source File=/source/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/share/fpcsrc/$(FPCVer) File=/usr/share/fpcsrc/3.2.2/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/share/fpcsrc File=/usr/share/fpcsrc/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/local/share/fpcsrc File=/usr/local/share/fpcsrc/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/fpcsrc File=/usr/fpcsrc/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/share/fpc/src File=/usr/share/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/fpc/src File=/usr/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/local/fpc/src File=/usr/local/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/local/share/fpc/src File=/usr/local/share/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/local/src/fpc File=/usr/local/src/fpc/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/lib/fpc/src File=/usr/lib/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/local/lib/fpc/src File=/usr/local/lib/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/vol/fpc/src File=/vol/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/vol/lib/fpc/src File=/vol/lib/fpc/src/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/usr/src/fpc File=/usr/src/fpc/
SearchFPCSrcDirCandidates Value=/vol/src/fpc File=/vol/src/fpc/
SearchMakeExeCandidates Value=make File=/usr/bin/make
SearchDebuggerCandidates Value=gdb File=/usr/bin/gdb
SearchDebuggerCandidates Value=/usr/bin/gdb File=/usr/bin/gdb
SearchDebuggerCandidates Value=/usr/local/bin/gdb File=/usr/local/bin/gdb
SearchDebuggerCandidates Value=/opt/fpc/gdb File=/opt/fpc/gdb
SearchDebuggerCandidates Value=/usr/local/bin/gdb File=/usr/local/bin/gdb
SearchDebuggerCandidates Value=/opt/fpc/gdb File=/opt/fpc/gdb

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:09:28.304: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
TMainIDE.DoOpenProjectFile A "/media/ramdisk/projects/project1.lpi"
Hint: (lazarus) [TBuildManager.SetBuildTarget] Old=x86_64-linux-gtk2 New=aarch64-linux-gtk2 Changed: OS/CPU=True LCL=False
LoadLFM Creating designer for hidden component of /media/ramdisk/projects/unit1.pas
InitOpenedProjectFile select form in designer: Form1:TForm1 TDesigner
TDesigner.PrepareFreeDesigner: TheFormEditor=TFormEditor, Designer=TDesigner
Hint: (lazarus) TMainIDE.SaveDesktopSettings

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:14:12.028: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
LAZARUS END - cleaning up ...
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy]

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:14:12.030: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:14:12.032: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

(lazarus:18601): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 14:14:12.036: IA__gtk_window_set_keep_above: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
FreeFormEditor: FormEditor1=TFormEditor
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] B  -> inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
Hint: (lazarus) [TMainIDE.Destroy] END
And for the observant reader, yes I am aware how to fix the atk-bridge issue but that is not my place as the distro-maintainer should fix that. Also, I am aware of the fppkg issue.

This is output from a normal Lazarus build (I did not did a rebuild with enabled options as suggested by Martin_fr (yet)).

Note that in case fpcdeluxe expects something like the pcp option that you might be able to run into issues with Lazarus as by default Lazarus stores it configuration files in completely other directories than fpcdeluxe expects (some of them might be able override what fpcdeluxe expects/depends on). Not that I hve the knowledge for fpcdeluxe but I do have it for running multiple installations of Lazarus and when I forget to add the pcp option I run into such issues myself.
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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It might be that you invoked Lazarus 'wrongly' in the eyes of fpcdeluxe.

Yes and no: there is a shell script in my home-folder called 'Lazarus_lazarus_224' and it contains:
Code: Bash  [Select][+][-]
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # fpcupdeluxe: home startlink script
  3. "/opt/lazarus_224/lazarus/lazarus" --pcp="/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus" "$@"

You are right, normally one should start Lazarus via this script. But I had greater trouble with this starting method (if you are interested, please see,34645.msg344054.html#msg344054) and the solution by Bart was (see there in reply #1492) that Lazarus *must* be started using program 'startlazarus'. To pass the config folder there exists a config file 'lazarus.cfg' parallel to 'startlazarus', which contains:
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. --primary-config-path=/opt/lazarus_224/config_lazarus

But for a test I used obove shell script 'Lazarus_lazarus_224' to start Lazarus, but I got the same Error messages as before. Thank you for beeing so mindful.

DonAlfredo has written an answer in the subthread for fpcupdeluxe:
If you start fpcupdeluxe, it will show you the installed cross-compilers.
Please check if aarch64-linux is one of them.
If not (or even if so), please (re-)install the aarch64-linux cross-compiler.
(I suspect you might have installed aarch64-embedded, but I might also be wrong)
I will follow his instructions and report when I have a result.


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I followed DonAlfredo's above instructions:
 - the cross-compiler for aarch64-linux was displayed to be installed
 - unfortunately re-installing this cross-compiler did not change the Error messages.

DonAlfredo answered for this:
See included screenshot.
I tried to simulate your setup, up to all details. Works flawless on my system.
So, I am out of options unfortunately.
You might try to do the following.
Delete both the lazarus directory and the lazarus config directory and re-run fpcupdeluxe to install Lazarus. This might help.
If not ... :-(

So I will live with this issue and close this Topic now. Thanks to all who helped me.


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