Greetings all,
I'd like to build a Linux-hosted FPC binary to generate code for an embedded ARM device (STM32), albeit with an existing binutils package. From the TARGET_embedded wiki page I believe part of the magic incantation is:
$ cd <directory containing the FPC source cloned from gitlab>
$ make clean buildbase installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm SUBARCH=armv7em
However, I'm unclear on a few things:
- how to tell the FPC make to find and use the existing binutils (which are installed in /opt/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q2-update/),
- how to tell FPC to use the "arm-none-eabi-" prefix to reference the ARM binutils tools,
- how to tell the FPC make to install the FPC compiler, RTL, etc. at a specific place (e.g., /opt/ARM/fpc).
Thanks very much for any assistance!