hi all
I've a CSV where third column contains barcodes
'SomeData1','I',' 001234000345','SomeData2'
'SomeData1','I',' 001234090456','SomeData2'
'SomeData1','I',' 001234100678','SomeData2'
As you can see, all columns are strings delimited using single quote.
Anyway, reading 3rd column using
s := UTF8ToString(CsvWorksheet.ReadAsText(CurCell^.Row, CurCell^.Col));
I get: 1234000345, 1234090456 and 1234100678 (the initial 0es are missing)
Columns are string, but CurCell^.ContentType = cctNumber.
I need initial zeroes as they're part of barcode.
Any idea on how I can read this value as string?