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Lazarus Release 2.2.6

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--- Quote from: pleumann on July 12, 2023, 08:35:56 pm ---I use a Pi 400 with - I think - 4 GB for development, so I should be fine.

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A pi 400 indeed has 4gb out of the box (assuming you did not mod the hardware yourself)

Building Lazarus is indeed a no-brainer. It either builds or not and by doing a standard build you can't do anything wrong there. Do note that there are some dependencies that have to be met, for details see (generic linux) wiki ( and there are some pointers for raspberry pi

--- Quote ---I am now downloading the source on an M1 MacBook to see if a native ARM version might have a noticeable performance advantage over the Intel version going through Rosetta2.

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In theory it should perform better but I also know that support for the new processors is not crystalized yet either so the actual answer might be a surprising one.

In case you wish to discuss more then please consider moving that discussion out of this (release) thread. Good luck !

This is not limited to this version.

I have been installed with v2.2.4, and re-installed 2.2.6.
Some packages, especially weblaz, was installed in 2.2.4. Now, on 2.2.6, the fpweb pallette page is not displayed, while in packages>install/uninstall, weblaz is in the side of installed. The same thing happens to CEF3, and some others.
Hope you can check.


--- Quote from: Martin_fr on July 11, 2023, 05:10:58 pm ---
--- Quote from: CM630 on July 11, 2023, 04:09:23 pm ---
When I execute the already built exe outside the IDE the dialog is open properly.
I am not sure that I have succeeded to switch to GDB, so I have unchecked everything in Project options — Compiler options — Debugging. The open dialog kept stuck.
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Like this, only gdb instead of fpdebug

Or switch to Lazarus 3.0.RC1

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Thanks, with GDB the Open dialog is really- really slow, but it does not hang.


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