
Author Topic: Creating the Android RTL headers fully automated solution is strongly needed  (Read 2713 times)


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Please, could somebody of us try to develop .exe app which would be able to generate the Android RTL headers?
The wiky article about this process is available here.
Pascal app should automatically make The following algorithm.
You will have to make several manual changes to the result before it compiles though:
there is a circular dependency involving the AVViewGroup.LayoutParams nested class, which results in javapp being unable to order all classes. You will have to manually extract that class and redeclare it as AVViewGroup_LayoutParams = class external 'android.view' name 'ViewGroup$LayoutParams' (JLObject), and then replace all references to the original class to this new class
there is a class with a constant field called CREATE, which results in javapp generating wrong names for its constructors (<init>_). Rename the constant to CREATE_ and the constructors to Create
The declaration for AAActionBar.InnerTab is missing, add it as InnerTab = class abstract external '' name 'Tab' end; inside AAActionBar

I believe, that there are elite developers, who could cooperate together and that fully automated solution will be available.
So no routines based on generating API header files based on The older previously generated ones.
I believe, that there will start intensive developers debate how to achieve this goal. If Pascal compiler internal commands are enough to allow such task and how to achieve this goal.
Without this fully automated and reliable application, PPCJVM for Android will stop to work after several years.
Thank you for some debate.
If such task is impossible for todays programming languages, I will be very glad if I will be able to read The arguments why is it not possible to do such string based intensive and complex tasks.


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So The first step would be very probably to extend The functionality of Javapp.jar so  javapp would being able to order all classes. Because extracting those classes manually from Android.jar after compilation would be very heavy task. The next crucial question is. If it would not be better to work with Android .jar source code in Java if Google releases this source code for Android.jar. So algorithms would work with The source code of Android. jar corresponding version.
Mr Zeljuko has created complex Pascal app which have done its best to usepreviously created older for example to generate never version. But it have been heavy task even for him and Zeljuko, The author of Pandroid is really elite developer.
Unfortunately, he can not exhauste himselves with such heavy task because he is working on onther programmers tasks.
It is sad reality because.
Lamw has lost its potential to add chosen component from The components Lazarus dialog window. And visually impaired users can not use Lamw internal form designer to drag with The mouse and add components.
And to be honest.
Pandroid is The best package for visually impaired Pascal developers with no sight at all.
So I Am kindly pleasing you.
If someone of elite Pascal programmers would have some time.
Please try to adopt The following opensource project.
Sure. Generating new Pascal Android rtl header file is very intensive and heavy programmers task. But it is also possible to recode Pandroid.exe so it will support ANdroid 34 target API when you will create The project.
It will be necessary to debate with Apache ANT and Gradle developers if it would be necessary to replace Ant by Gradle for such task. I personally prefer Ant because of its very fast and reliable way to compile Java classes together.
Thank you very much for your time.


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Создание приложений под Android используя Pascal, достаточно трудоёмкое занятие. Лишь немногие брались за конкретные проекты под Android. Люди, которые занимаются разработкой под Android, в большинстве случаев уже настроили необходимый функционал, подобрали нужные библиотеки и уже реализовали достаточно не малую часть работ.

Для того, чтоб заниматься кроме своего проекта ещё и чужим - нужны большое желание или мотивация. Большинство бросают обычные проекты. А вы хотите чтоб кто-то взялся за незнакомый ему проект, да ещё и под Android.

Единственно что я могу вам посоветовать, попробуйте сами сделать, ну и можете кого из единомышленников найти, кому интересно в этом разобраться.


Google translate:
Creating applications for Android using Pascal is quite a labor-intensive task. Only a few have taken on specific projects for Android. People who are engaged in development for Android, in most cases, have already configured the necessary functionality, selected the necessary libraries and have already implemented a fairly large part of the work.

In order to work on someone else's project in addition to your own, you need a great desire or motivation. Most people abandon regular projects. And you want someone to take on an unfamiliar project, and even for Android.

The only thing I can advise you is to try to do it yourself, and you can also find someone from your like-minded people who are interested in understanding this.

Good luck!
Rus: Стремлюсь к созданию минимальных и достаточно быстрых приложений.

Eng: I strive to create applications that are minimal and reasonably fast.
Working on ZenGL


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