Hello members, i working on a new installation for the freepascal for AVR compiler. On my raspberry ZERO.
It did work out before, but i have to re install everything ...
but before everything gets a mess again, can somebody awnser the order of FPCUPDELUXE howto install the 3.3.1 compiler for AVR?
I Also need to know weither you have to place everything in one directory or create new ones.
PS: Does anybody knows weither it is FPC 3.0.2 or FPC 3.2.0, FPC 3.2.2 to install under the FPC AVR 3.1.1 compiler? I lost my paper where i wrote it down.
Example, for the basic tab page
Install path = /home/pi/WVW_FPC
FPC Version = 3.2.0
Lazarus version = 2.2.0
Example, for the Cross tab page
Install path = /home/pi/WVW_FPC_AVR
OS = Embedded
Can somebody give me the right values, Greetz, WvW
PS2: is it possible to cross compile without the graphical lazarus IDE, so FPC only to create hex files for my AVR in the terminal?