Forum > IDE/CodeTools

Unknown Identifier Search

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What? Lazarus already provides this?? I just posted about it how nice it would be to have something like this.

Would it be possible to allow the functionality to be bound to a certain keyboard shortcut? Would be awesome. Like: Ctrl+U on a name and the unit gets added to the uses section! :D

As for the issue with same identifier from different units:
While this case could occur, most identifiers should be fairly unique, I suppose.
If there are conflicts, the possible units in question could be presented in a selection dialog at least, so the user can add those to the uses clause and then go through the code deciding which unit to specify on each occurence of the identifier (which can be accomplished with search tool available, I suppose). Would be a valuable tool support still, IMHO.

You can add key shortcuts yourself.

Tools > Options
Editor > Keymap

Find the command in the list. And assign one or two shortcuts of your own.

@Tony Stone, you experienced a bug that was fixed a year ago.
You should use the fixes_4 branch from Gitlab, or the 4.0 RC version, when studying and testing Lazarus features.

That message was posted year and half ago.

Oops right...
The reply from _Antares_ was new, the others were old.


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