I searched FPC commits messages for "`GLIBC_2.34' not found" but did not find it, can you confirm you think the issue of Apps compiled in a glibc_2.34 system won't run in a system with an earlier glibc are fixed in FPC trunk and even fixes ?
Searching for GLIBC_2.34 in the issues will show you this fixed bug.
Isn't this merge related to glibc problem ? https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source/-/commit/05480071e200e0454d6288c756490c493d695067
That is not related to the problem that the original poster mentions. The OP is worried that his binaries, compiled on a glibc_2.34 system will not run on an older system. Its similar to 39295, similar symptoms and similar mechanism but its fixable (and fixed). The OP's problem is not fixable. Sadly.
> alguem pode ajudar que resolveu esse problema ??
As PD says, you must keep a pre glibc_2.34 system around so you can build on that, the binaries will always (?) run on a future system but the reverse is not (and never was apparently) guaranteed. I do my final release building on a VM dedicated for just that purpose, its an Ubuntu 20.04 but any distro with an earlier glibc_2.34 will do. We'll need to do that as long as there are still supported pre glibc_2.34 around.
And, as Pascal Dragon has said elsewhere, no reason to believe something like this will happen in future releases of glibc_2.34 ! And it is NOT just a FPC issue.