Forum > SynEdit
Compare two text lines and highlight difference
Is there any simple solution for compare two text lines and highlight difference with synedit?
If no, where am I start?
It depend what you mean with difference.
Show exemplary what you mean.
line1: AaBbCc
line2: AabBcC
Should now bBcC be highlighted in line2 or BbCc in line1 or is that not the thing you want at all?
Be more specific!
--- Quote from: KodeZwerg on February 08, 2023, 01:51:38 pm ---It depend what you mean with difference.
Show exemplary what you mean.
--- End quote ---
Normal text lines, for example (sorry my English):
This is a nice day, the sky is blue and wind blowing sun is rising.
This is a nice day with many kills, the sky is red and wind blowing sun is somwhere, because all dark here.
Nested loops comparing words/tokens?
--- Quote from: totya on February 08, 2023, 02:01:23 pm ---...
This is a nice day, the sky is blue and wind blowing sun is rising.
This is a nice day with many kills, the sky is red and wind blowing sun is somwhere, because all dark here.
--- End quote ---
Maybe you need a Diff algorithm?
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