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Using old LCL

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I've just found a very old LCL ( that I would like to use with a current Lazarus IDE. Last installed is IDE 2.0.12.

How can I swap the old LCL for the new one in the IDE?

For the curious: I'm searching for a component base without AnchorDocking.

Old versions of any software is not maintained. Use the old software.


--- Quote from: dodi on February 06, 2023, 05:04:13 pm ---For the curious: I'm searching for a component base without AnchorDocking.

--- End quote ---

Just don't use it?
Don't install it. Don't add it to any project.

If needs must, delete the folder...

Any (such) old LCL will not be able to read forms (lfm files) by any newer IDE.
Also, it will not compile with current FPC. So you would need an ages old fpc.

And likely tons of other issues. Probably not working with current versions of Windows or Linux.



--- Quote from: Thaddy on February 06, 2023, 07:00:03 pm ---Use the old software.
--- End quote ---
Better not do,

--- Quote from: Martin_fr on February 06, 2023, 08:37:23 pm ---Just don't use it
--- End quote ---
and listen there!


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