I experimented with merging it.
It's still a big change, and hard to test if nothing was overlooked.
So it's not in the official fixes branch. But I uploaded a copy of the fixes branch at
https://gitlab.com/martin_frb/lazarus/-/commits/test-fpdebug-step-fix-mergeYou can get it as follows (from within any clone of either the official Lazarus git, or any fork thereof)
git fetch https://gitlab.com/martin_frb/lazarus.git test-fpdebug-step-fix-merge
git switch -c mod-fixes-2_2 FETCH_HEAD
If you do, let me know, and let me know if it works for you. Thanks
I have to check, it seems I took an old version of the fix.... May need to change this.
Same result, only the ref "cherry picked from ..." in the commit msg is wrong.
So you can test it, as described.