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ppc386: Error linking on last Ubuntu 22.10 multi-arch


Fred vS:

I have a brand new laptop and have installed Linux multi-arch 64/32 bit.
At first shot I wanted to install Debian 11 but the installation fails due to not recognized devices.
So I did try with last Ubuntu 22.10 and his "experimental" packages and all worked like charm, each device is recognized, perfect.
Also enable multi arch was ok, I can run all my old i386 applications.

After that, as usual, I installed fpc 64 and 32 bit on the machine.

When testing all was ok with fpc 64 but with fpc 32 bit, at linking, there is that error message:

--- Quote ---Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2 [2021/05/16] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
(1002) Target OS: Linux for i386
(3104) Compiling test.pas
(9015) Linking test
/usr/bin/ld: /home/fred/fpc-3.2.2/lib/fpc/3.2.2/units/i386-linux/rtl/si_c21.o: in function `SI_C21_$$__FPC_LIBC21_START':
si_c21.pp:(.text.n_si_c21_$$__fpc_libc21_start+0x27): undefined reference to `__libc_csu_fini'
/usr/bin/ld: si_c21.pp:(.text.n_si_c21_$$__fpc_libc21_start+0x2c): undefined reference to `__libc_csu_init'
Error: (9013) Error while linking
Fatal: (10026) There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted

--- End quote ---

Is it due because of the version of libc installed by Ubuntu (I did not have that message with Debian 11 and old ?
The version of libc of Ubuntu 22.10 is: GLIBC 2.36-0ubuntu4.


PS: Sorry to come once again with a problem with libc, it is not wanted, I promise  :-[

I've got a Deb-11 with multiarch already installed but no compilers or -dev packages... do you have a test project?


Fred vS:
Hello Mark.

With Debian 11 and his libc version 2.31, there are no problems at all.
I have still my old brave slow laptop with Debian 11 installed and all works like charm for multiarch.

The problem seems to come (imho) from the last installed by Ubuntu, for fpc 32 bit a method __libc_csu_fin seems to not be accessible any more for 32 bit.

See here. It should be fixed with 3.2.3 (and which is also why 3.2.4 is delayed, because it's not yet sure it's been fully fixed).

Fred vS:

--- Quote from: PascalDragon on December 31, 2022, 04:56:50 pm ---See here. It should be fixed with 3.2.3 (and which is also why 3.2.4 is delayed, because it's not yet sure it's been fully fixed).

--- End quote ---

Ha, ok, it is indeed the same issue. So waiting for 3.4.0. or 3.2.4.

Thanks Sven and happy new all.



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