Ok, Ok, I will give the answer:
It is about chess.
It is the ninth game between Garry Kasparov and Deep Blue, which Kasparov lost and so Deep Blue was the winner of this tournament. Much to Caspar's son chagrin... He did not see that coming at the time.
OpenAI was even able to point out where he lost: move 23 was already the killer blow, Kasparov only gave up because anyone can see he would have lost in two moves and much later.
Deep Blue is an IBM super computer (well super at the time)
Kasparov means son of Kaspar.(Or Caspar/Casper)
Apart from the two unplayed moves I have no clue what was happening after move 23.
Deep blue was trained on a large amount of data, but under the rules could not do any database look-ups.
One of the best examples where AI outperformed very talented human skills to this day.
I do like the Haiku's! All should lead a chess player to the same conclusion as I explained above.