Fixed, as in, fixed in the source code? If so, what is the issue tracker number for this?
The commit is 4c879cc73cc403526099b3eadde64c03c9a82f31
There is no bug tracker id, since - as you may have read - the reporter did not want to create an account to the tracker.
Which means, it is lucky I got time now. Otherwise it might easily have been forgotten.
- "Time" just doesn't mean the 30 seconds to change one word, and commit it.
- "Time" means everything from checking that this is currently wrong, and that the suggest disassemble is the correct one. We are all humans, the reporter could have mis-reported too. Then checking that the changed line returns the new desired value. Checking desired, current, and fixed results for other op-sizes (which would be expected to exist). So "Time" amounts. And had I been in the middle of something else, I might not have interrupted that (even if that be a project taking a few month).
I did not know this existed for FPC (disassembly functions), though due to this Topic I now see that it is the Lazarus sources.
They exist in Lazarus => FpDebug. Since the debugger should be able to display disassembly.