David I could use some help, please. Agreed it's dead easy to build from source which is what I did with 2.3.0 but then it threw up the first screenshot and I chose update then it showed me the second screenshot I chose ignore all. The IDE came up but undocked so I rebuilt and voila I have things back to what they were and so far no noticeable issues or hangs. I can work with this but it is annoying when this keeps happening at every time I start up the IDE. I am trying to figure out how to use the pcp so can use some help please?
PCP ? Primary Config Path. Start lazarus like this -
lazarus --pcp=/home/dbannon/bin/LazConfigs/lazarus-main
Or drop a file in the lazarus-main directory called lazarus.cfg and put "--pcp=/path/to/dir/for/config" and always cd to that dir to start that particular Lazarus.
I have a few scripts called, eg laz-main, in my bin dir, all they do is cd to the appropriate dir and start the version of lazarus in there. Each of those various lazarus directories have thier own .cfg file.
I keep all my configs in that dir (~/bin/LazConfigs), each in a subdir named after the particular Lazarus install. So, laz-fixes_2_2 is in ~/bin/LazConfigs/laz-fixes_2_2.
Don not let the configs get mixed up, Lazarus is smart enought to update an older version but when you try to run that older version later, bad things happen.
On the other hand, if will only ever run lazarus-main, just shut down Lazarus, blow away the default dir ~/.lazarus and start Lazarus up again, it will rebuild its config fine.
Now, another matter, you posted to the mailing list a link to a list of the files removed from the old Examples dir, in fact they were not all removed, most, almost all, found their way into their own directory where they are now very happy !
>>But you will not see all that in Lazaris 2.2.2, sorry !
>I am running 2.3.0 and I am seeing all those nifty examples eh

those comments were directed to KodeZwerg